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Last update:
June 12, 2016, 16:56

Home > Templates & Plugins

Templates & Plugins

Through the use of a different template you can give your pages a completely different look, and through plugins you can greatly enlarge the functionality of your CMSimple_XH website.

While installing templates or plugins,
please respect the licensing conditions of the authors.

A list of templates and plugins for CMSimple_XH can be found in the CMSimple_XH Wiki »

How to install templates and plugins into CMSimple_XH is also explained in the CMSimple_XH Wiki under user's manual »

CMSimple_XH already comes bundled with several templates, which are shown on the following pages. All these templates are licensed under GPLv3, so they are free to use and modify even for commercial sites.

Newsbox News02

This box shows the content of the hidden page "News02".

More information about newsboxes can be found here:

CMSimple_XH Wiki »

Diese Box zeigt den Inhalt der versteckten Seite "News02".

Mehr Informationen zum Thema Newsboxen gibt es hier:

CMSimple_XH Wiki »

Newsbox News03

This box shows the content of the hidden page "News03".

More information about newsboxes can be found here:

CMSimple_XH Wiki »

Diese Box zeigt den Inhalt der versteckten Seite "News03".

Mehr Informationen zum Thema Newsboxen gibt es hier:

CMSimple_XH Wiki »